Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Anchor Steam 2009 Christmas Ale: Good Beer & Classic Design

I recently read an article in the Chronicle Newspaper (actually on SFgate.com) that was a small expose on the Designer of the Anchor Brewing Company's beer labels, Jim Stitt. This is a gentleman who has been designing the labels for roughly 4 decades! A true graphic artist. In his own words, "It is a hand made beer, so the label should be hand drawn.". This in the age of computers - very refreshing.

Each year Anchor Brewing Co. comes out with a slightly different recipe for their "seasonal" Christmas Ale and a unique label that typically highlights, illustratively, a specific tree type. In the past they've had Redwoods, Pines, Palms and Birch Trees. This year, to commemorate their 35th season of their Christmas Ale they chose a very special tree. They chose the Cuppressus Macrocarpa, or the Monterey Cypress (pictured below).

Now this is not just any old Monterey Cypress that Jim Stitt chose to draw, he selected a very special one. This year he drew the Cypress that is located at the intersection of Stanyan and Fell streets here in the City. A tree that is lit up every year just after Thanksgiving and known as the unofficial Christmas Tree of San Francisco. This basically is the Gateway into the Sunset District and I pass by this tree every night - saw it about 2 hours ago!

So you might be saying, that is a lot of typing without any mention of the brew itself. Well it is the season for darker heavier beers (at least for me) and this one does not disappoint! A spicey brew that is about as dark as they come. I could barely get the kitchen light to show through my pint glass when held up to it. I find it to be best when poured into pint glass and let sit for a few, warm up a bit and let the spicey flavor come out. If too cold, I find the full flavor can be a bit masked. It has a mild carbonation that enables the brew to go down smooth.

There you have it, good beer and good design coming together with a dash of Sunset Pride!!! Happy Holidays to you and yours.

DISCLAIMER: This in no way nullifies my declaration of beer loyalty to the BOONT Brewery out of Anderson Valley who by far crafts the most sublime beers on Earth. Sorry Anchor, you are my home town brewery, but only a close second to BOONT!!!



  1. Thanks for sharing the Anchor Steam 2009 Christmas Ale: Good Beer & Classic Design. It was nice going through your blog. Keep it up the good work.
