Sunday, November 1, 2009

Urban Hummingbird Visit

They say you never forget your first Hummer!

My wife and I were in our kitchen having a heated discussion when all of a sudden my wife quickly shifted my attention to the new Hummingbird feeder we have placed on our window. Sure enough, there (he/she) was just hovering over the feeder - beautiful metallic crimson head and all. An Anna's Hummingbird I believe. Very cool!

I received the feeder (Droll Yankees) from my wife for my birthday in September. Living in such close proximity to Golden Gate Park we had talked about getting one for quite sometime. We see Hummers in the Park all the time so we felt that we had a shot to attract them. And now we have!

We'll keep the feeder clean and the nectar fresh. Hope to get some shots of them from the kitchen window. Here is a site on Western Hummingbirds for more information.

Are you visited by Humming Birds in San Francisco? Let me know where and by what kind. A couple of pics below.

Our new Droll Yankees feeder! 

Hummer up @ Sutro Park


  1. We love our hummingbirds! I'm sure you three will love yours too! Enjoy and what a fantastic gift!

  2. Yeah they are pretty cool. We have not seen them again but there are little feathers stuck to the edge, the nectar level is down... so we can only suspect.
