Saturday, November 14, 2009

Peta Ad, McCruelty, I'm hatin' it!

During my urban hike through the South of Market District in San Francisco I ran into this ad on roughly 5th and Bryant. The politics of it are not what strike me as interesting. What does though is how in the hell they have not had McDonalds on their ass to take it down. They are known to be very sensitive about their BRAND and how it is used and perceived. I would think that this would really... ruffle their feathers! Sorry had to type it!

Does anyone know anything about this ad? Does anyone know the agency that did it for Peta? Would be interested in knowing more information about it.

1 comment:

  1. update...evidently I've been living in a cave for awhile. This campaign came out earlier this year and has actually gotten a lot of press. All I needed to do is GOOGLE it and BAM a bunch of articles discussing the campaign. I must get out more often. But I am still amazed that Micky-D's has not gotten some legal action to stop this.
