Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sonoma Coast Camping Trip

We pulled it off! My wife and I are excited that our first "car camping" trip up along the Sonoma Coastline with our daughter was a great success. All family members on tail-end of colds and with CA Winter just starting to show it's face we were not sure what to expect from our daughter. Our biggest fears being:

Would sleeping in a tent be too foreign and create nothing but a sleepless night of crying?

Would it be too cold for her at evening time and night time in the tent?

The answer to both questions was no! She had a blast. We had a blast. The weekend was filled with campfire, hiking in the redwoods, tossing the ball around, setting up the tent, eating together, little beer and little vino, meeting friendly camp neighbors - great family time! We can't wait to do it again.

We stayed at the Stillwater Regional Park run by Sonoma County - site 19 to be exact. A great campground with good facilities and great hiking close by, making it very family friendly. We were supposed to stay at Reef Campground (10 minutes South) but the State decided to close it due to budget cuts. Sad.

A few pics from our trip.


  1. Love the tent lit from within...looks like you all had fun!

  2. Jaim, thanks for the comments. I believe you are the FIRST to comment on my BLOG.

  3. That's impossible! It's a great blog! Ella and I love to look at the cool pictures of the big city. It gets us out of the house when the weather is bad here. Missing you all!
