Sunday, January 24, 2010

Robert Frost & San Francisco

This caught my eye today while out and about in Golden Gate Park with my family. One of those dedication plaques you see on park benches all over the place. I really liked this poem and did not know that Robert Frost had any San Francisco-centric poetry (not that I'm follower of Frost's work either). Harkens back to a day when the City was a little more gritty and rough around the edges.

Have you read this poem before? Are you familiar with other similar San Francisco-centric poetry? If so, drop me a line I'd like to read more.


  1. What would you consider similar? Check out for starters.

  2. For our wedding homily the pastor talked about Frost's The Road Not Taken. He's one of my favorites. Sorry I don't know of any San Fransisco centric poetry but I like Frost nonetheless.

  3. Hey John very cool resource. Appreciate the feedback and will let you know if I find some work that catches this neophyte's ear.

    I'm very interested in reading about the History of San Francisco and the Bay Area. I find myself captivated in reading about the natural history before the masses. This poem just seemed to take me back to the Gold Rush days.

    And as I typically find, not having done my research, ROBERT FROST was born in San Francisco in 1874. This surprised me since I had associated him with the East Coast. I guess I should have listened better back in 6th Grade!!!

  4. Whoa! Jaim you posted just a minute in front of me. "The Road Not Taken" a classic.
