Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hike to Paradise

Within two weeks I'll be hiking around the point pictured above. A journey to what I'd consider one of, if not THE, most beautiful spots in CA. Literally Paradise as far as I'm concerned. I've traveled to a lot of places throughout CA and the western United States; Yosemite, the Sierras, Joshua Tree, Carmel, Big Sur, the Smith River, the McCloud, Mt. Shasta, Mt. Lassen, San Juan MountainsYellowstoneWasatch Mountains, Glacier Park, the Rogue River and the Ho Rainforest. All of these destinations are truly beautiful and hold spots in my mind but none are as etched deeply as the area I'll be backpacking into above.

Having a deep appreciation and love for the Pacific Ocean and a consistent yearning to be in the mountains, this area is the perfect combination of both. That is the edge this spot holds over all of  the places listed above. Big Sur comes very close but does not have the same seclusion as this particular area.

Rugged, remote, raw, beautiful, demanding, taxing, exhausting, commanding, terrifying, relaxing, soothing, unrelenting, inspiring, unforgiving, eroding, growing, decaying, flowing, changing, would all be good words to describe this area. This is not car camping, this is not hiking the PCT, it is the most physically taxing hike I've ever taken on. And all 9 miles of it are worth every step, blistered heal, aching hip joint, sun burnt neck and sore ankles.

Where is this area? This is the day and age of the internet (obviously) so I'll let you work a bit to find it. It is not an unknown destination nor an off the map location and I have left several clues within this post (Hell, I've even given you a picture!). If you want it bad enough you'll find it. Good luck - not in finding it, but in making the hike.

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