Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The EXODUS will not be televised!

Some theorize that you cannot raise a child in San Francisco, CA. I'm not convinced, although I'll admit my wife and I are early on in the process with our Daughter. No formal education just yet, only daily trips to the park, excursions to other neighborhoods for play dates and the once in awhile trip to see Great Grandma out in the East Bay. My wife and I love the City and all it has to offer, the diversity, the density, our neighbor Golden Gate Park, living walking distance to the Pacific Ocean.

Were not unlike the family pictured above. There I am, often leading my Family on a leisurely walk, the brisk fresh Sunset District breeze blowing my wife's beautiful hair, our daughter happily keeping pace (she is 16 months old). Disregard the woman and man behind us but for the sake of the analogy - friendly, multi-ethnic neighbors. A damn near perfect all American picture.

So what is the big deal? Why have so many people migrated out of SF and hightailed it for the burbs North and East of us? Will we fall prey to the same external forces that drive this mass exodus? Some would almost think it was the end of the world.

Well that is why the City has the advantage, thank god for Jehovah's Witness. DING DONG! Nicely dressed and eagerly awaiting your presence to talk and perhaps supply you with some information. In this case they clearly have supplied me with the answer in how to survive the end of the world, for free to boot, right at my front door step! A neat flyer. Doubt that would happen if we were living in Ross or Orinda.

I'll report if we read any helpful hints.

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